Homeless students find hope in their principal – CBS News

Our children go to school to learn, but in this economy their education is becoming more experiential. The quiet little girl with the unkept hair who sits next to your daughter in class each day, may very well be homeless. That handsome young man with the dirty clothes could be sleeping in a car with his mom just down the street, the neighborhood motel or their waterless home which was recently foreclosed on.

It is imperative that every parent with the ability to read this email, know how to teach their child  homeless sensitivity. In order for our children to become more sensitive of this tragic epidemic,  the parent must first be sensitive to the 900,000 school children in the United States who don’t have homes.

As adults, desensitization can make us numb to what our innocent children are exposed to at school. The traumatic learning experiences they face daily could either scar them for life or with your guidance expand their perspective. Teach your children that good people sometimes become homeless. And use your homeless sensitivity time to show them how to volunteer and help other in need as well.  But don’t forget to teach your children homeless prevention strategies such as home economics. (taken out of schools when I was a child)

In a Las Vegas school where 85% of its student population is homeless, one principal goes above and beyond her job description to support her students. Homeless students find hope in their principal – CBS News I applaud Principal Gahn’s selfless acts but even if you don’t feel led to support efforts like donating to DO Foundation our non-profit homeless support partner or any other homeless outreach program, you must be a part of your child’s homeless education experience. Your child doesn’t wear blinders yet. They see the human suffering and hunger in their friends eyes at school.

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About Versandra Kennebrew

When churches, universities, organizations, and conferences are seeking a speaker with an inspirational success story and track record as a servant leader, they call me. I love helping people step into their divine greatness and live the lives of their dreams. View all posts by Versandra Kennebrew

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